You are welcome here! Our leagues accommodate you. Whether you’re a recreational player or competitive, 16 to 106, Nanaimo Curling Club has a league for you!
Berwick on the Lake Open ROC Stick League
9:30 to 11:30am, 12:30 to 2:30pm Spring Session
This is an “Open” Rink of Choice league for both novice and experienced women and men sponsored by Berwick On the Lake Senior Residence.
For Session “A” we curl two games Monday mornings: Game 1 at 9:30 a.m., Game 2 at 10:30 a.m.
For Session “B” we curl two games Monday afternoon: Game 1 at 12:30 p.m. and Game 2 at 1:30 p.m.
If we do not have enough teams we will only do one section starting at 10:00am. By registering you will curl 2 games, each game taking approximately one hour. Please let a league rep know which Session (A or B) you prefer to play in. For more information on Stick Curling go to: . Come learn the nuances of Stick Curling and enjoy the social atmosphere. The 1 hour break 11:30-12:30 is a great time for members of both sessions to get together for coffee/lunch. Contact the league reps for more information.
Longwood Brewery Monday Open
Monday 5:45 pm - 7:15 pm
Monday Open, sponsored by Longwood Brewery
This is an “Open”, recreational league sponsored by Longwood Brewery. We curl 6 ends and our teams are composed of players of varying ability levels.
We will “grandfather” teams of 6 members from last year but would encourage you to enter as a 4 or 5 person team or as a single. or as a couple. Enter in any combination and we will endeavour to put teams together.
We have both a Fall and Spring square – you can register for one or both. Please be aware that if this league is full, we have a very similar league playing Tuesday nights [Tuesday Open] - the complete description of that league can be found in the Tuesday league summary.
After your game make your way upstairs and check out the selection of Longwood beer in our upstairs lounge where you can unwind and socialize.
Contact the league rep for more information and to make sure there is space available.
Junior Monday
3:45 to 5:15 p.m.
Our Junior Program runs on Monday and Thursday afternoons from 3:45 pm to 5:15 pm. Ages 9 and up. Certified and Volunteer coaches mentor our young curlers in technique, protocols and sportsmanship to develop skills and comradery. Participants can choose to curl one or two days per week.
The program coaches also encourage and assist Junior curlers to organize bonspiel events and attend available out-of-town bonspiels. Additional information on the program plan and structure can be found in the .pdf form at the bottom of this page.
Helmets are not provided and are mandatory for Juniors 9 to 12 years of age. Nanaimo Curling Centre strongly recommends wearing helmets, but it is not mandatory for ages 13 and over. Helmets can be hockey, bike, skateboard or curling helmets.
Monday Open Novice
Monday 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. Cost: $140 per half Returning members must pay “registration fees”, new members will have the NCC cover those costs
New to curling or just returning? This is the league for you. We focus on fun and comradery while learning the game in a safe and helpful setting.
To register for the program please click the following link:
Returning curlers will be billed their Membership Fees separately.
This league has two sessions with 10 weeks each. The first session starts in October and wraps up in December. The second session begins in January and finishes at the end of March. Participants may enter one or both sessions. There are spaces for 48 novices joined by 18 volunteer coaches. Curlers with three years or less experience or individuals recently returning to curling after a long break are considered novices for this league.
The first week new curlers learn to deliver stones, and in the following five weeks the novices are placed on teams with one volunteer coach. The coaches are arranged in alternating positions of third or skip, so that there is an experienced curler at both ends of the sheet at all times. The teams are shuffled after five games. If registrants request to be kept with a partner they are placed on teams together. Forty-five minute theory sessions are offered prior to each on-ice game at 6:40 - 7:25pm in the conference room. Topics covered include instructional videos as well as discussions on basic rules, vocabulary, etiquette, scoreboard, sweeping, signals, weight calls, equipment, stone release, team communication, measuring, basic strategy, and many other topics.
Tuesday & Friday
Mark's Import Auto Senior Men 50+ Square 1
10:00 a.m. to Noon
This league is sponsored by Marks Import Auto and is open to men 50 years of age and older. Teams are drawn from a hat - submit your name and preferred position on your registration. We curl 8 ends Tuesday and Friday mornings at 10:00.
Our cost is $155/square.
Missed the first square? No problem - contact the draw masters or/and register for the next square online. It's almost never too late to join because if you are late signing up for a team - we always need spares. The league is aimed at curlers who still want to win but the overall emphasis is on the fun and social side.
Thus curlers sign up as individuals for any or all squares and are assigned to a team (draw out of a hat) for each square. That means you are on a different team every 10 games.
League Reps:
Muir Meredith 250-585-6455
Jim Bond 250-585-2294
Mark's Import Auto Senior Men 50+ Square 2
10:00 a.m. to 12:00
This league is sponsored by Marks Import Auto and is open to men 50 years of age and older. Teams are drawn from a hat - submit your name and preferred position on your registration. We curl 8 ends Tuesday mornings at 10:00.
Our cost is $155/square.
Missed the first square? No problem - contact the draw masters or/and register for the next square online. It's almost never too late to join because if you are late signing up for a team - we always need spares. The league is aimed at curlers who still want to win but the overall emphasis is on the fun and social side.
Thus curlers sign up as individuals for any or all squares and are assigned to a team (draw out of a hat) for each square. That means you are on a different team every 10 games.
Mark's Import Auto Senior Men 50+ Square 3
10:00 a.m. to Noon
This league is sponsored by Marks Import Auto and is open to men 50 years of age and older. Teams are drawn from a hat - submit your name and preferred position on your registration. We curl 8 ends Tuesday mornings at 10:00.
Our cost is $155/square.
Missed the first square? No problem - contact the draw masters or/and register for the next square online. It's almost never too late to join because if you are late signing up for a team - we always need spares. The league is aimed at curlers who still want to win but the overall emphasis is on the fun and social side.
Thus curlers sign up as individuals for any or all squares and are assigned to a team (draw out of a hat) for each square. That means you are on a different team every 10 games.
Shannon Frith Tuesday Women's ROC
There is a wind-up banquet & prizes at the end of each season.
Aarsen Gutters Tuesday Open ROC
Tuesday 7:00pm to 8:30 pm
This is a new, fun league (sponsored by Aarsen Gutters) that is a mixed league mostly composed of men and women at all skill levels (stick or hack) who enjoy curling simply for the joy of curling and being social.
We are a recreational league that meets Tuesday from 7:00pm to 8:30 pm. and plays 6 end games. We welcome all curlers, including those curlers who haven’t curled in many years and want to get back into curling for the exercise and socializing.
We curl as four member teams. We register as a team of 4 but if you want to register as an individual, we’ll find a rink for you! If you prefer to spare, we would like to hear from you too. As we use only 4 sheets of ice, registration is limited to a maximum of 8 teams.
League Rep:
Ron Membery
Aarsen Gutters Tuesday Men's Rink of Choice
These 8 end games run from 7:00 to 9:00 each Tuesday night. This is a competitive Rink of Choice [ROC] (sponsored by Aarsen Gutters) so players should enter as a team, not individually. Experienced male curlers are encouraged to join, often times teams are looking for a player or players are looking for a team, please contact the league rep for more information.
We will use 4 sheets of ice so we can have a maximum of 8 teams register. Be sure and check with your league rep if you are unsure of the format so you don’t miss a game.
League Rep is Shawn Syring
[email protected] 778-269-4647
Berwick on the Lake Wednesday Senior Mixed 50+
12:00 noon to 2:00
This is a very popular open league for both Women and Men [50+] with all levels of curling skill . It’s a great opportunity to make new friends while competing in a friendly atmosphere! Games are 2 hours in length.
Teams are drawn from the hat with skips selecting from a different hat for leads, seconds and thirds. New teams are drawn for the Spring square. When registering please indicate the preferred position you would like to curl.
All Sr. Mixed Curlers are asked to make sure that they are registered with Pat Meehan as well as with the Nanaimo Curling Club. Curlers who did not curl in our Sr. Mixed League this fall, are asked to register with Pat and with the Nanaimo Curling Club no later than December 18th. When we are making up the teams, we work from our list of curlers who have confirmed their registration with Pat. We wouldn’t want to omit anyone who has only registered with the Nanaimo Curling Club. Early in December 2024, we will start the process of identifying curlers interested in playing in our Sr. Mixed Spring 2025 schedule and making up our teams, so please ensure that you are registered with Pat and the Nanaimo Curling Club no later than December 18th.
Harbour Chandler Wednesday Open 50+ ROC
Tsolum & Tsable Wednesday Open
6:00 to 7:30 [7:45 p.m].
This is an Open League [male or female] and a very social league, with players from all skill levels. Our league's name comes from our sponsor, Tsolum and Tsable Environmental.
We have 5 person teams (one player off each week) that play 6 ends. Whether you're a new curler or experienced curler who has just moved to Nanaimo, you are in for lots of fun. You can join with a friend and curl together in this league or come on out as a single and meet some of the greatest people in Nanaimo. This is a great league for those new to the game or new to town and wanting to meet some new people.
Our teams of five curlers are drawn “out of a hat”, and teams are led by experienced skips. The five curler team format allows each curler to schedule other activities like vacations without leaving the team short-handed, or to have practice time on a curler’s night off (about once per month). If you have played front end for a few years and would like to try playing third or skip, this is a great league for that as well.
In this league you curl with the same team in the first 11 game square, then new teams are drawn and those teams curl together until the end of the season. We find this is a great way to meet all your fellow curlers over the season. We also have a social night at Christmas and on the last night of the season.
If this sounds like the league for you, or if you want to be included as a spare, come on down or phone the club, or contact the league rep. Wednesday evenings at 6:00 pm.
Spring registration now open.
Thursday Open Doubles ROC
10:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
Welcome to our league for anyone interested in DOUBLES Curling Thursday mornings at 10:15 AM. Both experienced and novice curlers are welcome to join as this is a “competitive recreational league” that is Rink of Choice [ROC]. Doubles curling can effectively be played with or without sweeping and any type of delivery. More information on doubles can be found at:
New teams and single players are welcome - we'll do our best to pair up single players.
Please contact the league rep if you require further information.
Spring registration now open.
League Rep:
Debbie Erdos
[email protected]
Cottonwood Golf Women's Thursday ROC
1:00 to 3:00 p.m.
This “Ladies only” league curls eight ends, starting at 1:00 pm and we usually enjoy a coffee afterwards. Rink of choice means you enter with a team of your choice and curl the season with that team. Contact the league reps for more information.
If you want to enter as an individual, there are usually some teams looking for players and players looking for teams. This league generally plays a Round Robin format to begin the season and breaks into squares to finish.
Spring Registration now open.
Thursday Best on Top Roofing Men's ROC
These 8nd games run from 6:30 to 8:30 each Thursday night. This is a competitive Rink of Choice [ROC] so players should enter as a team, not individually. Experienced male curlers are encouraged to join, often times teams are looking for a player or players are looking for a team, please contact the league rep for more information.
We will have both“A” and “B” Squares. At the end of each square the bottom 2 teams drop a square and the top 2 teams move up a square. Be sure and check with your league rep if you are unsure of the format so you don’t miss a game.
Spring Registration now open.
Junior Thursday
3:45 to 5:15 pm.
Our Junior Program runs on Monday and Thursday afternoons from 3:45 pm to 5:15 pm. Ages 9 and up. Certified and Volunteer coaches mentor our young curlers in technique, protocols and sportsmanship to develop skills and comradery. Participants can choose to curl one or two days per week.
The program coaches also encourage and assist Junior curlers to organize bonspiel events and attend available out-of-town bonspiels. Additional information on the program plan and structure can be found in the .pdf form at the bottom of this page.
Helmets are not provided and are mandatory for Juniors 9 to 12 years of age. Nanaimo Curling Centre strongly recommends wearing helmets, but it is not mandatory for ages 13 and over. Helmets can be hockey, bike, skateboard or curling helmets.
Friday 4 @ 4 League
4:00 to 5:30 p.m.
This a fun league that curls Fridays in the season from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm for 6 Ends. Open to any level of curler [male and female] from Beginner to Intermediate. Curlers can enter as a team or as individuals. Come join the Friday "Fun" League to meet some great people and have fun curling matches!
*Fee based on 18 games having lost 4 of the 22 curling dates to bonspiels.
Dark Matter Friday Open ROC
6:00 to 7:30, 8:00 to 9:30
Sponsored by our excellent sponsor Hoyne Brewing Company!
Join the FUN on Friday evenings starting at 6:15p.m. [or every second week at 8:15 pm] for 6 ends of play. This league is open to all teams, any mix of genders and any skill level. The league will start as a round robin but be organized into four divisions as play progresses. At the end of the fall session teams may be moved between divisions based on game results for the session.
Join as a team (Rink of Choice) or contact the league rep to let us know if you are single/couple/threesome who want to join and need more teammates. We will connect you with other like-minded curlers. Join as a squad of 5 and always have a spare available! If you plan on a 5-member team, please contact the office so your league fees can be customized to suit. Initially enter as to whether you feel your team is competitive or recreational in nature.
*Fee based on 18 games having lost 4 of the 22 curling dates to bonspiels.
Spring registration now open.
League Rep:
Alina Abbott
[email protected]
Monday & Thursday
Junior Monday and Thursday
3:45 to 5:15 pm.
Our Junior Program runs on Monday and Thursday afternoons from 3:45 pm to 5:15 pm. Ages 9 and up. Certified and Volunteer coaches mentor our young curlers in technique, protocols and sportsmanship to develop skills and comradery. Participants can choose to curl one or two days per week.
The program coaches also encourage and assist Junior curlers to organize bonspiel events and attend available out-of-town bonspiels. Additional information on the program plan and structure can be found in the .pdf form at the bottom of this page.
Helmets are not provided and are mandatory for Juniors 9 to 12 years of age. Nanaimo Curling Centre strongly recommends wearing helmets, but it is not mandatory for ages 13 and over. Helmets can be hockey, bike, skateboard or curling helmets.
Livewire Catering Sunday Open Triples ROC
12:30 to 2:00 p.m.
This is an Open League [male or female] Rink of Choice [3 people] and a very social league, with players from all skill levels. Teams are composed of 3 players who play a 6 end game. However after ends 2 and 4 players rotate so that all 3 players end up playing lead, vice and skip. For a complete description of the game go to: [triples]. This is an ideal league for beginning or intermediate curlers as it allows them to be involved in all facets of the game.
Don’t worry if you have not played before as our first afternoon will be a combined workshop/practice game and the league will formally start on our second date. We need a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 8 teams.
*Fee based on 18 games having lost 4 of the 22 curling dates to bonspiels
Registration is now open for Spring.
League Rep: Sheila Barrass, sbladysmith@gmailcom, 250-710-1841